'Ted & Noel', the documentary film from Happenstance Films directed by Juila Alcamo was awarded the Co-op audience award at the 2023 IRIS awards. I really enjoyed composing the original music for this production and am pleased to see that it will be touring the UK with other IRIS awarded films celebrating the stories of the LGBTQ+ community. To find out more check out the link here. The dates and cinemas you can see Ted & Noel are listed below. Alternatively you can watch at your convenience at home on Channel 4
'For over 50 years, iconic activist Ted Brown has fought for
queer and black identities. But after losing his husband under
heart-breaking circumstances, a devastated Ted questions
the true impact of his activism.'
The Best of IRIS 2023 (15)
w/ the Happenstance production team and activist Ted Brown 2023